What We Do

We deliver people-centric experiences to help organizations adapt,
align and embrace agility through Learning, Coaching and Consulting

We Drive Transformation & Change, and Embed Culture Through Learning, Coaching and Consulting Practices


safra class discussion

Learning is the foundation for skills development. Frameworks allow organisations, teams, and individuals in complex environments to succeed in the future.

Our proprietary frameworks enable anyone to apply the learning immediately. 

We craft frameworks at 
Strategic, Operational, & Individual levels, empowering people for the future


Coaching allows organizations to develop key individuals and teams to achieve their highest potential. 

When individuals perform at their peak, it allows the team and organization to drive the transformations and results that they seek.

To support clients to achieve their goals, we align organizational goals through our
1-on-1 or group coaching sessions


Consulting is borne from our strong desire to to help organizations create an impact and drive transformation and change. 

We focus on understanding your challenges, or the change you are seeking,
to support the driving of results.

We partner you at Strategic, Operational or Individual levels

Experiential Learning Expertise

We use computer-based simulations that mimic real-life business scenarios which allows participants to practice frameworks

To Embed a Coaching Culture 

We equip leaders with the skills to facilitate empowering conversations with employees to drive performance

Strategic Problem Solving

We work with clients on strategy, planning and problem solving, and aiding them in developing relevant skills and knowledge

What customers say about how we have driven impact

Shared KPIs drove shared accountability and responsibilities … aligned all departments to a single shared objective … and facilitated collaboration across departments to achieve common corporate goals.

Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO)

Real Estate Organization

I have started to learn to accept their ideas and take them on board, so now it is more of a twoway traffic”. These changes have made the staff “more open”, “more proactive” and “less defensive”.

Manager, Service Staff


We can see the management team and responsible party are really taking action to solve the issue, there are things really changing around us.

Workshop Participant


I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation of our core culture, and will implement it at work and even in life.

Workshop Participant

Premier Lifestyle and Retail 

We Take A Holistic Approach To Solutions

Leveraging Learning, Coaching and Consulting methodologies with our P.R.I.ME Avobot ® Future Learning World virtual learning platform,  Culture In The Workplace™ cultural programs, and Academy for Mastery  internationally recognized certifications to create holistic solutions and Learning Development programs


PRIME Avobot Logo-01_NoBG

P.R.I.ME Avobot ®
Future Learning World

An integrated, learner-centric, self-directed platform, supporting multi-sensory learning approaches, catering to the learning needs of all users


Culture In The Workplace   

Fully endorsed by Professor Geert Hofstede to represent and apply his body of research to workplace challenges, CW specializes in Cross-Cultural and Organisational Culture initiatives


Academy for Mastery™

Proven internationally recognized certification roadmaps to recoginze individuals in core expertise while being part of a community of practitioners

Some of Clients By Industry

Real Estate & Property


Healthcare & Pharma


Finance, Tech & Telco



Explore our offerings with our Expert Team!


298 Tiong Bahru Road #05-01 Central Plaza Singapore 168730